
Asha is committed to supporting both a healthy and nurturing living environment, together with a broader concern to help foster a greater awareness of protecting and improving environmental ecosystems. We help ensure that people have access to quality shelter, food and clean water, as well as the tools and equipment they needed to support and maintain their immediate environment.

After a severe earthquake struck central Nepal in 2015, about 9000 people perished, thousands were injured, and over a half a million structures were damaged or destroyed. Working together, Asha and the Playing For Change Foundation initiated the ‘Gimme Shelter’ project to provide immediate relief. Our team located the hardest-hit communities, built shelters in districts which had not yet received assistance, and created therapeutic relief programs to help the kids cope with trauma.

An important consideration is moving towards self-sufficiency and independence. To this end, we are designing and funding eco-friendly technologies for smokeless stoves, solar lighting and clean water. This not only provides work for the village artisans, but Asha will be purchasing these items for free distribution to the most needy in the region, creating a sustainable and positive redeployment of artisans who are increasingly being marginalised by globalisation.